
Campus Pride suspends University of Minnesota Duluth from being considered in 2015 listing of top-rated LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities; Cites recent handling of the dismissal of Women’s Ice Hockey Coach and her coaching staff who all happen to be gay or bisexual

In mid-August of 2014, Campus Pride announced its list of the top-rated LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities in the nation. For the second year in a row, the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) was on that list.  The annual listing features …
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Campus Pride awards North Carolina Central University and Harris-Stowe State University with “LGBTQ on Campus” grant to build safer, more LGBTQ-inclusive campus climates in partnership with Kognito

Campus Pride focuses on rural areas, Southern campuses and minority serving institutions with “LGBTQ on Campus” grant award in partnership with Kognito Campus Pride awards grants to North Carolina Central University and Harris-Stowe State University for one year of funding …
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Donate now for #GivingTuesday

Hi, I am Romeo Jackson.  I am a senior at Northern Illinois University and returning from Washington, DC where I interned in the U.S. House of Representatives this Fall. As we enter this Holiday Season, I am reflecting on what I am …
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Tracking Retention & Academic Success: Listing of Colleges and Universities with LGBTQ Identity Questions as an Option on Admission Applications & Enrollment Forms

Compiled by Genny Beemyn, Campus Pride Trans Policy Clearinghouse Coordinator Updated 11/25/2014 In 2013, Campus Pride issued in partnership with ACPA-College Student Educators International a position paper titled “An Institutional Responsibility: Tracking Retention & Academic Success of Out LGBT Students.”  The statement posits: …
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Campus Pride commends the formation of the LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education group planning their first conference for “LGBTQ Leaders in Higher Education: Shaping Our Futures” this June 2015

LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education group represents 50+ college and university Presidents and partners Campus Pride commends the formation of the LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education group and its upcoming conference for administrators on “LGBTQ Leaders in Higher Education: Shaping …
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