

6 Issues Every LGBT Student Should Know About

Printed with permission from Pride. Originally published 08/18/2015.  By Campus Pride As we move into a post-marriage-equality world, college students are thinking bigger when it comes to changes needed to create a better world for LGBTQ people. The truth is, …
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Guest Commentary: I am Campus Pride

This summer, I had the absolute honor to spend three months as communications and programs fellow for Campus Pride. The experience has been tedious at times, frustrating occasionally, and consistently one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I …
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Young, gifted and gay

Printed with permission from The Washington Blade. Originally published 08/14/2015. Building relationships, transparency and creating resources are crucial to LGBTQ organizing on HBCU campuses By TRINICE McNALLY and ALLISON MARIE TURNER The intersection of race, sexual orientation and gender identity …
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Volunteer with Campus Pride

Campus Pride utilizes the time, talent and skills of students, faculty, staff and educators to fulfill our mission of creating safer, more LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. Volunteers help our organization continue to grow in supporting the needs of LGBTQ and …
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Campus Pride welcomes Prin as a 2015 Summer Fellow

Campus Pride announced today that Prin will be joining the 2015 Campus Pride Summer Fellows. The positions were created three years ago for recent college graduates and graduate students to become part of the summer staffing and learn more hands-on …
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VIDEO: Campus Pride Day of Action for Trans Justice

The Chronicle of Higher Education featured a multi-media story about Campus Pride’s first-ever Day of Action for Trans Justice during Camp Pride 2015 Camp Pride trained 130 student leaders from across the nation preparing them to fight for trans inclusion …
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Guest Commentary: If my daughter or son came out as trans

I wonder how I’d react if my daughter or son came out as Transgender. Recently the world lost Leelah Alcorn, a trans girl who felt too unsupported, too misunderstood, too tormented to go forward. Leelah died of homophobia, specifically transphobia, …
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