Author Archives: CampusPride

Guest Commentary: Coming Out As An Ally

After my time volunteering with Campus Pride, I think itā€™s time to finally address something that has been on my mind for a long time. Iā€™ve been around a lot of people who identify within the LGBTQ community. Iā€™ve had …
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Campus Pride Opposes North Carolina Religious Freedom Law

Today, the North Carolina State House voted to override Gov. Pat McCroryā€™s veto of Senate Bill 2, which allows magistrates and registers of deeds to refuse to perform duties associated with marriage ceremonies if they conflict with their religious beliefs. …
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Barnard College to Accept Trans Woman

After many years of student activism and a year of collaboration with students by administration, Barnard College, a private womenā€™s liberal arts college in New York City, has changed its policies and will begin allowing all applicants who identify themselves …
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5 College Search Tips for LGBTQ Students of Color

Printed with permission from Noodle. Originally published 06/09/2015. Originally Posted byĀ Shane Windmeyer On college campuses across the country, LGBTQ students of color are thriving and finding new opportunities to express themselves. Having this intersection of identities, however, does present certain …
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It’s LGBT Pride Month – Celebrate and #ShowYourCampusPride

Show Your Campus Pride this summer and win over $1000 in prizes and swag POST YOUR PHOTOS & VIDEOS Share with Campus Pride and #ShowYourCampusPrideĀ onĀ Social Media! This year CampusĀ Pride is celebratingĀ PRIDEĀ by asking you and all of ourĀ supporters to share photos …
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